How can one develop iPhone apps in Java? [closed]

Solution 1:

I think we will have to wait a couple of years more to see more progress. However, there are now more frameworks and tools available:

Here a list of 5 options:

  • Codename One
  • RoboVM <-- Closed
  • Avian no maintainer
  • J2ObjC
  • Multi-OS Engine not maintained

Solution 2:

If you've completed your other projects, why not take the time to learn Objective-C? There is a ton of material out on the web to help you get started. Honestly, it won't be that hard and learning to do some memory management will be a great learning exercise. Have you programmed in C before?

Most cross compilers won't do a great job in converting your code, and debugging your project may become much more difficult if you develop them this way.

Solution 3:

I think your teacher sent you down the wrong path.

This is a classic example of trying to put a square peg into a round hole. The best way to develop for the iPhone is with the iPhone SDK and objective C. The best way to develop for Andriod is Java and the Android SDK. The best way to develop for WinMobile is C#/VB and the .Net Framework.

As you can see each has their own "best" SDK. Since you are only learning Java I would second the suggestion to play around with Java and Android.

Solution 4:

There is anew tool called Codename one: One SDK based on JAVA to code in WP8, Android, iOS with all extensive features


  1. Full Android environment with super fast android simulator
  2. An iPhone/iPad simulator with easy to take iPhone apps to large screen iPad in minutes.
  3. Full support for standard java debugging, profiling for apps on any platform.
  4. Easy themeing / styling – Only a click away

More at Develop Android, iOS iPhone, WP8 apps using Java