How to load png images with 4 channels?

Solution 1:

If you are using OpenCV 2 or OpenCV 3 you should use IMREAD_* flags (as mentioned at here).


using namespace cv;
Mat image = imread("image.png", IMREAD_UNCHANGED);


import cv2
im = cv2.imread("image.png", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

Solution 2:

According to the documentation, OpenCV supports alpha channel on PNGs.

Just call the imread function using CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED as flags like this:

cvLoadImage("file.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED)

Solution 3:

The right way to read a transparent PNG is to use the 4th channel as alpha channel. Most of the times one wants a white background, if that is the case then below code can be used for alpha compositing.

def read_transparent_png(filename):
    image_4channel = cv2.imread(filename, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    alpha_channel = image_4channel[:,:,3]
    rgb_channels = image_4channel[:,:,:3]

    # White Background Image
    white_background_image = np.ones_like(rgb_channels, dtype=np.uint8) * 255

    # Alpha factor
    alpha_factor = alpha_channel[:,:,np.newaxis].astype(np.float32) / 255.0
    alpha_factor = np.concatenate((alpha_factor,alpha_factor,alpha_factor), axis=2)

    # Transparent Image Rendered on White Background
    base = rgb_channels.astype(np.float32) * alpha_factor
    white = white_background_image.astype(np.float32) * (1 - alpha_factor)
    final_image = base + white
    return final_image.astype(np.uint8)

A detailed blog on this is here here.

Solution 4:

If you wanna draw this transparent image over another image, open your image as answered by @satya-mallick (mode IMREAD_UNCHANGED), then use this method to draw the image over a frame Mat:

 * @brief Draws a transparent image over a frame Mat.
 * @param frame the frame where the transparent image will be drawn
 * @param transp the Mat image with transparency, read from a PNG image, with the IMREAD_UNCHANGED flag
 * @param xPos x position of the frame image where the image will start.
 * @param yPos y position of the frame image where the image will start.
void drawTransparency(Mat frame, Mat transp, int xPos, int yPos) {
    Mat mask;
    vector<Mat> layers;
    split(transp, layers); // seperate channels
    Mat rgb[3] = { layers[0],layers[1],layers[2] };
    mask = layers[3]; // png's alpha channel used as mask
    merge(rgb, 3, transp);  // put together the RGB channels, now transp insn't transparent 
    transp.copyTo(frame.rowRange(yPos, yPos + transp.rows).colRange(xPos, xPos + transp.cols), mask);