Remove Seconds/ Milliseconds from Date convert to ISO String
I have a date object that I want to
- remove the miliseconds/or set to 0
- remove the seconds/or set to 0
- Convert to ISO string
For example:
var date = new Date();
//Wed Mar 02 2016 16:54:13 GMT-0500 (EST)
var stringDate = moment(date).toISOString();
But what I really want in the end is
stringDate = '2016-03-02T21:54:00.000Z'
Solution 1:
While this is easily solvable with plain JavaScript (see RobG's answer), I wanted to show you the Moment.js solution since you tagged your questions as "momentjs":
This gives you the current datetime, without seconds or milliseconds.
Working example:,js,output
From the docs:
Solution 2:
There is no need for a library, simply set the seconds and milliseconds to zero and use the built–in toISOString method:
var d = new Date();
Note: toISOString is not supported by IE 8 and lower, there is a pollyfil on MDN.
Solution 3:
A non-library regex to do this:
new Date().toISOString().replace(/.\d+Z$/g, "Z");
This would simply trim down the unnecessary part. Rounding isn't expected with this.