Traits and abstract methods override in Scala

I have a base abstract class (trait). It has an abstract method foo(). It is extended and implemented by several derived classes. I want to create a trait that can be mixed into the derived classes so that it implements foo() and then calls the derived class's foo().

Something like:

trait Foo {
  def foo()

trait M extends Foo {
  override def foo() {

class FooImpl1 extends Foo {
  override def foo() {

class FooImpl2 extends FooImpl1 with M 

I tried self types and structural types, but I can't get it to work.

You were very close. Add the abstract modifier to, and you have the 'Stackable Trait' pattern:

trait Foo {
  def foo()

trait M extends Foo {
  abstract override def foo() {println("M");}

class FooImpl1 extends Foo {
  override def foo() {println("Impl")}

class FooImpl2 extends FooImpl1 with M