How to exclude a folder that is producing warnings/errors in an Eclipse project?

I encountered a similar problem and resolved it by moving the folder into my project folder. I then went to:

  1. Project > Properties > Resource > Resource Filters > Add...
  2. Set Filter type = Exclude all.
  3. Set Applies to = Folders.
  4. Set File and Folder Attributes = { Name, matches, < your_folder_name > }

You can use the Configure Contents... on the menu of Problems panel. There you can create a new configuration and set the scope to On Working Set:. Click on Select... and create a new working set that excludes the folders you don't want.

There is an Eclipse feature request for ignoring warnings from specified source folders. There have been several patches posted to the comment thread that provide implementations of the feature. It appears that a final patch is nearing the review stage for inclusion in an upcoming release.

Update 6/19/2012: Eclipse Juno 4.2M6 supports ignoring problems for a particular source folder. The feature is available on the Java Build Path dialog. See the release note.

If you really want to exclude certain classes/packages from autobuild you can just right click on them and select Build Path -> Exclude

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