git partial merge, not whole branch
Solution 1:
There are a couple things you can do.
One, you can cherry-pick the changes you want, which applies only a single commit. For example, if there's a change that only touches config.xml
, you can cherry-pick it with
$ git cherry-pick $COMMIT_ID_YOU_WANT
You could also just grab config.xml
from the development branch:
$ git checkout testing
$ git checkout development -- config.xml
That'll get you the same version of config.xml
that exists in the development branch, but note that it won't pull in the history of changes to the file.
Solution 2:
Basically you can all read after here:
In short, if you just want to apply changes made by a certain range of commits (this can as well be only a single commit), made to only a subset of files then do:
git diff commit1..commit2 filepattern | git apply --index && git commit
Solution 3:
Here's a repository with a step-by-step documentation to clarify the dangers of partial merge and show the right way.
Merge is has to be what it is: union of branches. If you doing a merge commit without merging all the files, and you will try to merge the same branches later, than Git thinks that you merged everything in the first merge commit, thus the earlier commits does not matter, it will skip the unmerged changes before the first merge.
Use checkout
to copy files from one branch to another:
git checkout BRANCH -- FILE
git commit -m "Partial merge"
Solution 4:
It is possible to merge against a file directly picked from the git-tree.
What I suggest is to do something like :$ git ls-tree development -- config.xml
$ git show <blob-hash> > config.xml.development
Then get the common base :
$ git ls-tree $(git merge-base HEAD development) -- config.xml
$ git show <blob-hash> > config.xml.base
And finally :
$ git merge-file config.xml config.xml.base config.xml.development
I did not test that, though.
With a shell like zsh, you can avoid saving the blob into a temporary file with this :
$ git merge-file config.xml =(git show <base-blob-hash>) =(git show <dev-blob-hash>)