What would you call a person who shares every thought they have? [closed]

Solution 1:

The person can be said to suffer from verbal diarrhea

The fact or habit of talking too much: was it necessary to have the narrator exhibit verbal diarrhea throughout the entire picture? [Oxford Dictionaries Online]

Similarly logorrhea

excessive, uncontrollable, or incoherent talkativeness [Collins]

And, by extension, they might be called a logorrheic.

More simply, they might be called a blatherer. Oxford defines blather as

Talk long-windedly without making very much sense: she began blathering on about spirituality and life after death

Solution 2:

Prattler is the word that comes to mind.

Solution 3:

I might call them a "chatterbox".

An extremely talkative person.

The definition on Urban Dictionary might not be as academic, but it certainly matches your description.

Someone who never shuts the hell up. They keep blabbering about random crap that makes no sense