How to create new file from dired mode?

Solution 1:

Just press C-x C-f. This will prompt for a filename, using the current directory of the current buffer as the directory to put it in. For a dired buffer, its current directory is simply the directory you are looking at.

Solution 2:

If you want c in Dired mode to do what C-x C-f does, the answer is trivial:

(define-key dired-mode-map "c" 'find-file)

Or if you want it to have the name untitled.txt then:

(define-key dired-mode-map "c"
  (lambda () (interactive) (find-file "untitled.txt")))

Solution 3:

Thanks to all, I finally solved it myself. Here is my answer. Typing "c" in dired mode will prompt you creating new untitled file. Then press enter will create new untitled file. Yes it's very verbose code. Someone may fix it.

(eval-after-load 'dired
     (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "c") 'my-dired-create-file)
     (defun create-new-file (file-list)
       (defun exsitp-untitled-x (file-list cnt)
         (while (and (car file-list) (not (string= (car file-list) (concat "untitled" (number-to-string cnt) ".txt"))))
           (setq file-list (cdr file-list)))
         (car file-list))

       (defun exsitp-untitled (file-list)
         (while (and (car file-list) (not (string= (car file-list) "untitled.txt")))
           (setq file-list (cdr file-list)))
         (car file-list))

       (if (not (exsitp-untitled file-list))
         (let ((cnt 2))
           (while (exsitp-untitled-x file-list cnt)
             (setq cnt (1+ cnt)))
           (concat "untitled" (number-to-string cnt) ".txt")
     (defun my-dired-create-file (file)
        (list (read-file-name "Create file: " (concat (dired-current-directory) (create-new-file (directory-files (dired-current-directory))))))
       (write-region "" nil (expand-file-name file) t) 
       (dired-add-file file)
       (dired-goto-file (expand-file-name file))