PHP file_exists and wildcard

Solution 1:

You're looking for the glob() function.

file_exists doesn't do any kind of search : it only allows one to know whether a file exists or not, when knowing its name.

And, with PHP >= 5.3, you could use the new GlobIterator.

As an example with `glob()`, the following portion of code :
$list = glob('temp*.php');

Gives me this output :

  0 => string 'temp-2.php' (length=10)
  1 => string 'temp.php' (length=8)

While this one :
$list = glob('te*-*');

Yes, with two * ;-)

Will give me :

  0 => string 'temp-2.php' (length=10)
  1 => string 'test-1.php' (length=10)
  2 => string 'test-curl.php' (length=13)
  3 => string 'test-phing-1' (length=12)
  4 => string 'test-phpdoc' (length=11)

Solution 2:

As of PHP5.3, you can also use the GlobIterator to search a directory with wildcards:

$it = iterator_to_array(
    new GlobIterator('/some/path/*.pdf', GlobIterator::CURRENT_AS_PATHNAME) );

would return the full paths to all .pdf files in some/path in an array. The above performs about the same as glob(), but iterators provide a more powerful and extensible API.

Solution 3:

As long as file_exists returns a BOOLEAN I wrote this small function that accepts a search string with * to look for files... Example:


    function searchForFile($fileToSearchFor){
        $numberOfFiles = count(glob($fileToSearchFor));
        if($numberOfFiles == 0){ return(FALSE); } else { return(TRUE);}

Solution 4:

If you need a little more control and are on pre PHP 5.3 you could use a DirectoryIterator or RecursiveDirectoryIterator. Both have a lot of great function for added control and manipulation.

PHP docs are at DirectoryIterator and RecursiveDirectoryIterator