Laravel Migration - Update Enum Options

Use the DB::statement method:

DB::statement("ALTER TABLE users CHANGE COLUMN permissions permissions ENUM('admin', 'user', 'candidate') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user'");

I have adapted Joseph's answer into a method you can add to your migration and then call with an array of values instead of hardcoding them inside of a statement. It doesn't have any fancy handling of values with quotes in them, so please only use sensible values with it, or modify it for yourself.

private function setEnumValues($table, $column, array $values, $nullable = false, $default = null)
    $quotedValues = collect($values)
        ->map(function ($value) {
            return "'${value}'";
        ->join(', ');

    $suffix = '';

    if (!$nullable) {
        $suffix .= ' NOT NULL';

    if ($default) {
        $suffix .= " DEFAULT '${default}'";

    $statement = <<<SQL
ALTER TABLE ${table} CHANGE COLUMN ${column} ${column} ENUM(${quotedValues}) ${suffix}


You might use it in a migration like so:


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class AddQueuedStatusToPaymentsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        // Add the new 'queued' value

            false, // Not nullable
            'queued' // Mark it as the default for all new payments

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()
        // Remove the new 'queued' value
            false, // Not nullable
            'processing' // Set the default back to processing for all new payments

    private function setEnumValues($table, $column, array $values, $nullable = false, $default = null)
        $quotedValues = collect($values)
            ->map(function ($value) {
                return "'${value}'";
            ->join(', ');

        $suffix = '';

        if (!$nullable) {
            $suffix .= ' NOT NULL';

        if ($default) {
            $suffix .= " DEFAULT '${default}'";

        $statement = <<<SQL
ALTER TABLE ${table} CHANGE COLUMN ${column} ${column} ENUM(${quotedValues}) ${suffix}
