How to specify table name with Entity Framework Code First Fluent API

I have an Entity and I am to configure Entity Framework to map it to a database table with different name.

I can easily do this with Code First DataAnnotations (DataAnnotations.Schema.TableAttribute).

But due to limitations now I have to use Code First Fluent API (my domain objects will be used by external clients, so they shouldn't be technology-specific - e.g. have any references to DataAnnotations)

I've searched on MSDN but found nothing. So is it possible and how?

Thank you.

Solution 1:

You can also use the Table annotation:

public class Blog

See: Code First Data Annotations

Solution 2:

You'll use the .ToTable() method:


Source: MSDN:

Solution 3:

Use ToTable method:

public class MyEntityMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<MyEntity>
    public const string TableName = "MyEntity";

    public MyEntityMap()

        Property(t => t.Id);