Is there a word for a person who takes well care of his/her belongings?

Solution 1:

The word neat meshes well with adjectives prim and proper mentioned in the question. From en.wiktionary, neat has a sense, among others, of “Having a simple elegance or style; clean, trim, tidy, tasteful”.

Also consider fastidious and persnickety. From en.wiktionary, fastidious means “Excessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details, especially about tidiness and cleanliness”. Also from en.wiktionary, persnickety means “Fastidious or fussy”.

Solution 2:

Such a person would be organized.

From Oxford Dictionaries:

1.1 Able to plan one’s activities efficiently: she used to be so organized


  • I worked for a guy who said that he loved employing pregnant women because they were so organized and efficient.
  • This is my major preoccupation at the moment: forgiving myself for not being efficient and organised and sensible.
  • After one and one-half years in her current position, she finds that she has learned to be more organized and efficient with her time, which gives her more time with the patient.

Organized is a very broad term, and can be used to indicate a person who is adept in managing several things- be it things/belongings, time, life etc.

Solution 3:

Words that came to my mind:

  • Organised
  • efficient
  • precise
  • fastidious
  • methodical
  • thorough