Can I power off the Android emulator?

In the Android emulator, I click the Power button on the right corner.
The following screen keep run, it seems I can't power off the emulator. Right?

enter image description here

UPDATE: This was answer many many years ago. things have changed since then, and you are better off with the built in AVDs in Android Studio.

You can give it a try to Genymotion, it is a full OS system with different configurations, is very fast and you can turn it off if you need, is a virtual machine.

This is the stackoverflow that comes up when you search for "android 12 emulator power off"

You might search for that because Android 12 has taken over the "long-press the power button" gesture and turned that into "Start Google Assistant" with no ability to override it.

So how do you turn off Android 12 emulators? Not with the power button.

Drag the notification bar down twice so it is fully expanded, and you'll see Android 12 added a software power button to the bottom middle of the quick settings.

Long-press that, and you get the power menu you expected prior to Android 11 from a long-press on the hardware (or emulated) power button.

enter image description here
