What is the common expression to describe position starting from the last one?
Suppose we have letters: a, b, c, d, e, f ,g.
I want to describe the position of letter "e" starting from right hand side, what should I use?
"e" is the last third letter.
"e" is the third last letter.
"e" is the last but two letters.
Which one is commonly used? Or other ways to describe it?
Solution 1:
Typically you'd expect to hear:
"e" is the third from last letter
"e" is the third to last letter
and you may sometimes hear
"e" is the last but two
Solution 2:
The common usage would be "third to last". If you need a weird word, use antepenultimate or propenultimate:
"Two before the last, i.e., the one immediately before the penultimate, in a series."
This book has ten chapters — chapter 8 is the antepenultimate one.
(From Wiktionary)
Solution 3:
Antepenultimate means before the next to last.