VNC Vinagre to OS X Lion

VNC Vinagre needs an update to cope with the Lion changes.

You could:

  • use another client that works well with the Lion
  • use another VNC server on Lion and not use the system server

We're still looking to nail down the changes that Lion made, but it's clear the new VNC server doesn't work well with a handful of existing clients that worked before an upgrade to Lion.

Are the changes to Lion's screen sharing documented anywhere publicly?

Vinagre doesn't seem to work very well when trying to connect to OS X. I have been trying to connect to Snow Leopard now to no avail. It keeps requesting that I supply a username which it shouldn't

I found that tigerVNC worked fine (it does not ask for a username), its not the most up to date application, but at least it connects. Hope this helps.