How does the campaign scoring system work?

Solution 1:

From, we get the following:

You get points for winning the scenario and for killing units.

  • Winning Scenario: 500
  • Critter: 1
  • Peasant/Peon: 30
  • Flying Machine/Zeppelin/Tanker: 40
  • Footman/Grunt/Transport: 50
  • Archer/Axe Thrower: 60
  • Ranger/Berserker: 70
  • Dwarves/Sappers/Knight/Ogre/Ballista/Catapult/Mage/Death Knight/Demon: 100
  • Paladin/Ogre Mage: 110
  • Legendary Hero/Submarine/Turtle: 120
  • Destroyer/Gryphon/Dragon: 150
  • Battleship/Juggernaut: 300

  • Wall: 1

  • Tower: 95
  • Farm: 100
  • Lumbermill/Runestone: 150
  • Barracks/Oil Rig: 160
  • Blacksmith/Shipyard: 170
  • Foundry/Guard Tower/Refinery/Town Hall: 200
  • Stables/Ogre Mound: 210
  • Inventor/Alchemist: 230
  • Church/Altar/Wizard's Tower/Temple: 240
  • Cannon Tower: 250
  • Aviary/Roost: 280
  • Keep/Stronghold: 600
  • Castle/Fortress: 1500

These point values are then added to get a rank per the following:

  • Servant/Slave: 0 - 2000
  • Peasant/Peon: 2001 - 5000
  • Squire/Rogue: 5001 - 8000
  • Footman/Grunt: 8001 - 18000
  • Corporal/Slasher: 18001 - 28000
  • Sergeant/Marauder: 28001 - 40000
  • Lieutenant/Commander: 40001 - 55000
  • Captain: 55001 - 70000
  • Major: 70001 - 85000
  • Knight: 85001 - 105000
  • General: 105001 - 125000
  • Admiral/Master: 125001 - 145000
  • Marshall: 145001 - 165000
  • Lord/Chieftan: 165001 - 185000
  • Grand Admiral/Overlord: 185001 - 205000
  • Highlord/War Chief: 205001 - 230000
  • Thundergod/Demigod: 230001 - 255000
  • God: 255001 - 280000
  • ???: 280000+