I recently re-installed Civ 5 to play with my friends. We use to play over local network across both Mac and PC.

However this time when we tried I got a version mismatch. In the menu we all have the same version I have a build number in between parentheses, but they don't (one other Mac user has one, he is able to connect to the PC players, I cannot).

None of us have any updates available. We have verified game files using steam but it hasn't helped. We all have all mods enabled.

How can I fix this?

Solution 1:

There is an unfortunate reason for this, which can be found if you dig deeply enough, and it is that the Mac side of Civilization 5 recently had to undergo a substantial update (giving it a different version), and the corresponding update for the Windows side simply has not come out yet. This means cross-platform play is out of the question.

Sources for this are here and here.