Cannot find Esbern to escort to Delphine
The quest tells me to escort Esbern, even though he is nowhere to be found, and when I select the quest it gives me a marker to Delphine.
I checked Esberns cell and no one is there. What could be going on?
I play on Xbox 360.
If I remember correctly, Esbern is slow in walking. Head over to Delphine and wait a day or two in-game to see what happens.
If Esbern is still missing, try to fast-travel somewhere else and then back to Riverwood. Sometimes, you can just go into a building and he'll automagically teleport to you.
He might also still be wandering around Riften or the roads between Riften and Riverwood.
If you are on PC and Esbern is still missing (he's annoying), force him along with the console:
prid 00019DFD
moveto player
If you are on console, you're going to have to revert to a known working save. With Skyrim, always remember to save early and often.