How to put lots of seconds between a command block without using redstone repeater? [duplicate]

What I want to do is put a command block down and do a command every 1 minute! How do I do this without redstone repeaters? I am doing this for a server!

Solution 1:

You should be able to achieve your goal just by using command blocks. Using a repeating command block, you can increment the score of a dummy player by 1, like so: (note you need to create the objective in the scoreboard beforehand.

/scoreboard players add count dummy_objective 1

Knowing that this command will happen 20 times/s by default, we can figure that a minute has occurred when the score reaches 20 times/s * 60 s/min = 1200. Using a second repeating command block, you can use the following command to detect when the score reaches 1200:

/scoreboard players test count dummy_objective 1200

In conditional chain command blocks following the above command, you will need to set the score back to 0, then execute the commands that you want:

/scoreboard players set count dummy_objective 0
... <your commands>