Automatically remove dependencies from package.json when using npm uninstall

After npm init I can add dependencies in my package.json using this:

npm install package --save

And say, I want to uninstall the package and I do so by doing:

npm uninstall package

but I want my package.json to be updated accordingly too without me having to manually go to the file and delete that line.

From the npm docs it says:

It is strictly additive, so it does not delete options from your package.json without a really good reason to do so.

So, I just wanted to know if this is even possible.

Use the same --save flag. If you installed a dependency with:

$> npm install grunt-cli --save

you can uninstall it, with package.json getting updated, using:

$> npm uninstall grunt-cli --save

The 'save' flag tells npm to update package.json based on the operation you just made it do.