dhcp-snooping option 82 drops valid dhcp requests on 2610 series Procurve switches
Solution 1:
You said that "dhcp relay isn't enabled"...but clearly it is, based on your show dhcp-relay output.
Try disabling it explicitly; based on the comments above I suspect your problem will go away :)
Solution 2:
Actually, packet on switch A is getting drooped because you received a DHCP client packet with option82 on a untrusted port. This option-82 is inserted by the switchB.
I think below should work -
On, SwitchB - disable option 82 so that this does not insert these options. mark the interface-25 as trust to allow DHCP server packet to flow down to the.
On , SwitchA- You can keep option-82 enabled/disabled here. it shouldn't matter. mark the port which is connected to switchB as un-trusted. mark the port which is connected to the dhcp-server as trusted.