Single word for "time of the day"

Is there a single word for time of the day?

A collective expression for morning, afternoon, evening, etc.

An example I can think of to better explain what I'm looking for:

Good ____! - Insert the correct time/part of the day here to greet someone at 11 AM.

In the above sentence, I would like to replace "time/part of the day" with a single word.

If you just use the word time it should pretty much cover what you are looking for.

There is no other word in colloquial American English in general use besides mid-morning or morning for 11:00 a.m. But you would never say, Good Mid-morning. Good morning is typically reserved for first thing in the morning, say up to 10:00 a.m., depending on regional habits. Good day works well for 11:00 a.m. There is Good afternoon, Good evening, and good night, but those are the time of day ranges in typical use, few beyond those without sounding unusual.