Select range of lines in notepad++

Easiest way for big files:

  1. Ctrl + G, go to line 1000.

    • Menu > Edit > Begin/End select.

  2. Ctrl + G, go to line 1997.

    • Menu > Edit > Begin/End select.

You now have your range selected with few clicks and no scroll.

Try Menu => Search => Goto and enter the first line number. Next use Menu => Edit => Begin/End select. Then Goto the second line number and repeat the Begin/End select. Finally delete the selected area.

Place cursor on line 1000, scroll to line 1997 using the mouse / scroll bar.

Press and hold the shift key and then click on line 1997. This will select all the lines in between and you can then delete them.

Select the range and Shift +Alt and Down go down till you need. you can extend in between using by pressing right/left arrow