How to access launchEnvironment and launchArguments set in XCUIApplication, running UI tests in XCode?

I've tried setting attributes in the XCUIApplication instance, in my UI Tests setUp()

let app = XCUIApplication()
app.launchEnvironment = ["testenv" : "testenvValue"]
app.launchArguments = ["anArgument"]

in didFinishLaunch I've tried to show these on screen when I run my UITests

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    if launchOptions != nil {
        for (key, value) in launchOptions! {  
            let alertView = UIAlertView(title: key.description, message: value.description, delegate: nil, cancelButtonTitle: "ok")

But I can't seem to be able to find the arguments and environment I set. Anyone know how to get a hold of them?

Solution 1:

If you set launchArguments in a UI Test (Swift):

let app = XCUIApplication()

Then read them in your App using:

swift 2.x:

if NSProcessInfo.processInfo().arguments.contains("SNAPSHOT") {
   // Do snapshot setup

Swift 3.0

if ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments.contains("SNAPSHOT") {

To set environment variables, use launchEnvironment and NSProcessInfo.processInfo().environment, respectively, instead.

Solution 2:

Building on Joey C.'s answer, I wrote a small extension to avoid using raw strings in the app. This way you avoid any typo issue and get autocompletion.

extension NSProcessInfo {
     Used to recognized that UITestings are running and modify the app behavior accordingly

     Set with: XCUIApplication().launchArguments = [ "isUITesting" ]
    var isUITesting: Bool {
        return arguments.contains("isUITesting")

     Used to recognized that UITestings are taking snapshots and modify the app behavior accordingly

     Set with: XCUIApplication().launchArguments = [ "isTakingSnapshots" ]
    var isTakingSnapshots: Bool {
        return arguments.contains("isTakingSnapshots")

This way you can use

if NSProcessInfo.processInfo().isUITesting {
   // UITesting specific behavior,
   // like setting up CoreData with in memory store

Going further, the various arguments should probably go into an enum that could be reused in the UITest when setting the launchArguments.