Parse enum from String not working

I have a public enum declared like this:

public enum States

Having an arbitrary string myString which may represent any of the "States" above, I'd like to write a switch to check which one it currently is.

This is my attempt.

States state = Enum.Parse(States, myString, true);
            switch (state)
                case States.SomeState:
                case States.SomeOtherState:

Inside of the Enum.Parse() it tells me that the argument State is being used as a type instead that as a variable. Isn't that the correct usage? The first argument Enum.Parse is supposed to receive is Type enumType: why then it tells me it needs a variable?

Many kind replies indicates to use typeof. Unfortunately, I've already tried that but since I receive the following error I guessed it was a wrong idea.

Enum.Parse(typeof(States), myString, true);


cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'States'. An explicit conversion exists.

Solution 1:

Yes, you need to send in the Type of enum that your are parsing into (using typeof):

States state = (States)Enum.Parse(typeof(States), myString, true);

The Parse method is expecting an argument of type System.Type. Not the type States.

Here is the signature from the docs.

public static Object Parse(
    Type enumType,
    string value,
    bool ignoreCase

Parse returns an object so it requires you to cast to your type after the parse.

Solution 2:

Can make it more elegant by using extension class like so:

namespace YourClass.Models;

public static E ToEnum<E>(this object value, bool ignoreCase = true) where E : Enum
    if(value == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("Value cannot be null");
    return (E)Enum.Parse(typeof(E), value.ToString(), ignoreCase);
And using it like so:
States state = myString.ToEnum<States>();