Referencing Files In A Github Markdown File

I am trying to create a readme on github like the following

I guess my question is how did this content creator create the links under the Documentation And Repository Organization heading in the file as I would like to emulate this.

I did some searching for relative references examples but was not able to figure it out.

Any advice would be very much appreciated.


Solution 1:

It's very Simple, you have to make a URL in markdown referring to your folder/file.

For making a URL in markdown files you use a syntax like this [Text](exampleURL) here your Text is the text which will appear in the markdown file and the exampleURL is the URL you want to go to.

A Working Example Will Be Like this [Google](

If you want to refer to a particular file/folder inside your repository you don't need https:// all you need is to provide the path of the folder/file

for example in my repository i have a file named example.pdf inside a folder named PDFs so my markdown code will look like this [Example PDF](PDFs/example.pdf)

Markdown is pretty easy and you can learn markdown syntax with this CheatSheet.