Show Caller id on calls from Mobile

How do I get my twilio Virtual landline number to show as caller id when I call my customer from my cellphone? Both my cell phone and twilio virtual landline numbers are "verified" with twilio.

Solution 1:

Twilio developer evangelist here.

To make your Twilio number appear, you would need to generate the outbound call to the customer from Twilio. There are a couple of ways you can do this. The easiest is likely triggering a call to your phone first with the REST API then connecting you to the customer using <Dial> and setting the callerId to your Twilio number. If you wanted to do the entire thing starting from an outbound call on your phone, you could build an app that let you dial a Twilio number, then use <Gather> to take the number you want to dial, and then connect the call out to that number. And the hardest way is building yourself an application using the Twilio Voice SDK so you can open the app and dial your customer.