Proving inequality $\frac{a}{b}+\frac{b}{c}+\frac{c}{a}+\frac{3\sqrt[3]{abc}}{a+b+c} \geq 4$

Write $$\frac ab+\frac ab+\frac bc\geq \frac{3a}{\sqrt[3]{abc}}$$ by AM-GM.

You get $$\operatorname{LHS} \geq \frac{a+b+c}{\sqrt[3]{abc}}+n\left(\frac{\sqrt[3]{abc}}{a+b+c}\right).$$

Set $$z:=\frac{a+b+c}{\sqrt[3]{abc}}$$ and then notice that for $n\leq 3$, $$z+\frac{3n}{z}\geq 3+n.$$ Indeed the minimum is reached for $z=\sqrt{3n}\leq 3$; since $z\geq 3$, the minimum is reached in fact for $z=3$.

By C-S $$\sum_{cyc}\frac{a}{b}=\sum_{cyc}\frac{a^2}{ab}\geq\frac{(a+b+c)^2}{ab+ac+bc}.$$ Thus, it's enough to prove that $$\frac{(a+b+c)^2}{ab+ac+bc}+\frac{3\sqrt[3]{abc}}{a+b+c}\geq4.$$ Now, let $a+b+c=3u$, $ab+ac+bc=3v^2$ and $abc=w^3$.

Hence, our inequality it's $f(v^2)\geq0,$ where $f$ decreases, which says that it's enough to prove the last inequality for a maximal value of $v^2$, which happens for equality case of two variables.

Since the last inequality is homogeneous, we can assume $b=c=1$. Also, let $a=x^3$.

Id est, we need to prove that $$\frac{(x^3+2)^2}{2x^3+1}+\frac{3x}{x^3+2}\geq4$$ or $$(x-1)^2(x^6+2x^5+3x^4+2x^3+x^2+6x+3)\geq0.$$ Done!

The following inequality is also true.

Let $a$, $b$ and $c$ be positives. Prove that: $$\frac{a}{b}+\frac{b}{c}+\frac{c}{a}+\frac{24\sqrt[3]{abc}}{a+b+c}\geq11.$$