Choosing subsets of a set with a specified amount of maximum overlap between them

How can I determine the size of the largest collection of $k$-element subsets of an $n$-element set such that each pair of subsets has at most $m$ elements in common?

I think this problem is still open, but the following might be useful:

Ray-Chaudhuri-Wilson Theorem:

Let $L$ be a set of $m$ integers and $F$ be an $L$-intersecting $k$-uniform family of subsets of a set of $n$ elements, where $m \le k$, then

$|F| \le {n \choose m}$


$k$-uniform family is a set of subsets, each subset being of size k.

An $L$-intersecting family is such that the intersection size of any two distinct sets in the family is in $L$.

The following result of Frankl gives us a lower bound

Frankl's Result:

For every $k \ge m \ge 1$ and $n \ge 2k^{2}$ there exists a $k$-uniform family $F$ of size $> (\frac{n}{2k})^{m}$ on $n$ points such that $|A \cap B| \le m-1$ for any two distinct sets $A,B \in F$.


For an algorithm for constructing such sets (based on Frankl's result) refer: