Meaning of "true north"

Roz, I'm just trying to find my true north

True north differs from magnetic north, which varies from place to place and over time due to local magnetic anomalies. A magnetic compass almost never shows true north. In fact over millions of years, magnetic north wanders considerable and occasionally reverses so that the magnetic north pole has been near the geographic south pole at some periods in the earth's history. In the arctic region, a magnetic compass is not very useful.

To find true north from a magnetic compass you have to know the local magnetic variation and how it is varying over time. For ordinary folk this is difficult (although good maps will have magnetic deviation marked on them).

Magnetic DeviationScary variation

From Websters Online

Finding true north is essential for accurate navigation.

Hence the metaphor. In life's journey we are often uncertain where we stand, where we are going and what is the right path for us personally. Knowing our true north would enable us to follow the right path.

I'd read it as finding my true goal, trying to figure out where I really want to go with my life. "True North" is non-negotiable, since the compass will show where it is, relative from your current position, and it will never change.

I personally feel your "true north" is based on your bottom line, personal ethics — the line you are unwilling to cross based on those ethics. Therefore when you are faced, as we often are in this difficult life, with the question of what direction to take, you need to refer to your true north for direction. Metaphorically: do I "cross" my personal line? (Lie, cheat, steal, be disloyal to a loved one, hit or be abusive physically or verbally, etc.). Never lose sight of your true north. My son is in the military, facing ethically challenging questions daily. I have shared this personal philosophy with him.