Is there a pejorative word for a super fan? [duplicate]

Is there a particular pejorative word for super fans?

People who follow a celebrity religiously no matter what, even if that celebrity does something terrible.

People who'll always try and defend that celebrity/famous person even when they know they are at wrong.

Solution 1:

How about Zealot or Fanatic? - while both are more commonly used for religious or political beliefs, many "super fans" reach those kinds of fervor in respect of their particular idol(s).

Solution 2:


diehard fans

die-hard: strongly or fanatically determined or devoted : die–hard fans; especially : strongly resisting change : a die–hard conservative M-W

hardcore fans

hard-core: confirmed, die-hard : hard–core rock fans M-W Ngram

dyed-in-the-wool fans Google Books

dyed-in-the-wool: having very strong beliefs, opinions, etc. that you are not willing to change M-W

deep-dyed fans

thoroughgoing; complete : a deep-dyed Beatles fan OED

true-blue fans

true-blue: (AmEng & AusEng) if someone is true-blue, they support something or someone completely Tom's true-blue - he won't let us down. They want control of the company to remain in true-blue American hands. Cambridge Idioms Dictionary

rock-ribbed fans


: firm and inflexible in doctrine or integrity M-W

: firm and unyielding, especially with regard to one's principles, loyalties, or beliefs. AHD

Among Rock-Ribbed Fans of Palin, Dudes Rule New York Times