Unexpected appearance

Solution 1:

Not a single word, but a very effective description:

This together with some counter-intuitive iconography means that initially at least it’s not the easiest machine to use. From a review of a microwave oven in 2012.

The same form was used in 2002 by Dr Dobbs to refer to some menus that posed a challenge to users of the software Dreamweaver.

Solution 2:

I think the word incongruous is close to what you're looking for. It is defined as:

incongruous (adjective) — not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something: the duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath

The picture of a cute, innocent, kitty cat adorning the button was incongruous with the purpose of the button, which was to destroy the world.

Solution 3:

I'd say it is:


Solution 4:

The phrase Socio-disguise comes close to it. There is no single word though.
