Simple word for "Convert data strings to bytes"

I'm searching for a short term of "Convert data to bytes".
It has to be a verb, because it should tell that it's a operation.
I thought of something like "byteify" - but that looks ugly to me...

The conversion I'm talking about is, for example, from a 32 bit floating point value like 567.89, or a string like "123.4", to an array of bytes as output.

Same conversions for any other type (int, short, ...).

Serialization is the process of turning object/data structures into a storage format. Serialize is the verb form. To bytes specifically is binary serialization. To a string is stringification or to stringify as listed in the other answer, as well as this (closed) programmer SE question.

As I see it, you are trying to take a statement:

convert from format A to format B

and find a word that conveys both "convert" and "format B" at the same time. Almost every word (stringification aside) that I've seen only covers the "convert" part, and leaves the final format unsaid, to be understood by context or convention. This is not as horrible as it sounds, because your "format B" is "a byte string", but you are not going to mention in the name which way you are converting it to a byte string. You're always going to have to leave something out of your name.

If you are willing to give up on having "byte string" explicitly in the word, the shortest one I have seen is "pack", at only 4 letters. It also has a nice reverse name, "unpack", and has been used in many programming language libraries to mean "packing into a string of bytes".