How do you attract the rarest religion resource? (spoilers!)

I'm trying for a total completionist run, slightly editor-assisted (I keep a separate "testing" save from my main, legit save). Long story short, I have more than seventy Sky Palaces, but I still haven't gotten a single


What am I missing? How do I get this rare resource so that I can finish out my technology tree?

Solution 1:

The chance of an Alicorn is a mere 2 in 100000 per palace per day. Even a hundred Sky Palaces still leave you with a one in a thousand chance of getting an alicorn each day.

That said, if you've been waiting for a long time, and are thoroughly convinced that something's wrong, you may want to save, and then refresh the page; this tends to fix up any minor bugs that can sometimes stop the random events from occurring correctly.