Rock Band Drum Versions

Solution 1:

Is there any difference between the base drum kit for RB2 and RB3?

Not really -- the RB2 drums and the RB3 drums are very, very similar. Having owned both I did not see any important differences between the two.

Both RB2 and RB3 drums support the pro cymbal add on, but be advised the RB3 cymbals are substantially better than the RB2 cymbals.

The Rock Band 1 drums are definitely to be avoided, however!

Solution 2:

I would STRONGLY recommend buying an Ion drum set. I don't know about RB2 or RB3 drum sets, but the experience I've had with other (RB1, GH: World Tour, GH5) is that they break, they don't last long, and they have a really hard time registering hits. I've had my ion drum set for almost 2 years now, and never had a problem with it. Also, it's compatible with all Guitar Heros and all Rock Bands, so that's a big plus. Although in Guitar Heros you only get 4 drums instead of 5.

Anyway, as I said, I would STRONGLY recommend the Ion drum set =).

Ah and it will work in pro mode for RB3 too.