After "Your home bed was missing or obstructed" in minecraft, I can't find my way back [duplicate]

In my creative world, I had slept in a bed to set my spawn point. Then I broke the bed. I then accidentally fell out of the world (into the void) and died. It said "Your home bed was missing or obstructed" and it respawned me somewhere random. Now I can't find my way back! Help!

Solution 1:

you can try to go /Gamemode 3 and fly for like 100 blocks each direction

Solution 2:

If it is a creative world, you most likely have not explored a lot of the land mass, which should make this a lot easier to find, but it should work in survival worlds as well.

By default, your chunks are saved in:

%appdata%\saves\<world name>\region\*.mca

By checking the file modify date, find the last file that was changed before you died, as this is the file in which your chunks are saved that you modified. You can then use the application named NBTExplorer to open the .mca file. After opening, you will see the chunks that are stored in that file. The formatting is as followed:

Chunk [<i>, <j>]    in world at (<x>, <y>)

<i> is the internal X coordinate of the chunk relative to the mca origin
<j> is the internal Z coordinate of the chunk relative to the mca origin
<x> is the external X coordinate of the chunk based on the game coordinates
<y> is the external Z coordinate of the chunk based on the game coordinates

By putting the <x> and <y> in a Coordinate Tool you can find the exact coordinates, or you can calculate the approximate coordinates yourself by multiplying the numbers by 16. (where 16 is the number of blocks in the X and Z direction of the chunks)

Please note that even only loading a chunk makes the game update the mca file.

Solution 3:

You should have spawned near your original spawn point before you slept in the bed. go the general direction you went to build your house. If you remembered the X, Y, and Z coordinates, you could teleport there

Solution 4:

If you built your house near spawn then you should be able to use a compass to re-find the spawn point. Also try /gamemode spectator as this will allow you to pass through blocks and see manually lighted areas easier.

Solution 5:

Use maps. With maps you can see the world from above. It will show you where blocks are and from there you can find your house. Click the Use button (right click) to activate it.

To make a map:

enter image description here

If you don't see anything that could resemble your house, then try expanding your map to show even more area.

This is the crafting recipie to expand/zoom-out a map:

enter image description here

Be aware though, even though it shows more area, it also zooms out. That means that it is less percise and can make you miss your house completely. There are four zoom levels in a map.

Here is a list of how many blocks a map can show:

-Zoom step 0 (default) shows an area of 128x128 blocks.
-Zoom step 1 shows an area of 256x256 blocks.
-Zoom step 2 shows an area of 512x512 blocks.
-Zoom step 3 shows an area of 1028x1028 blocks.
-Zoom step 4 shows an area of 2048x2048 blocks.

My info on the map was found at: . Please go there to get more info about maps. It has more information than I can give you in a quick answer.