Single verb for make something equivalent

Solution 1:

Per the Cambridge Dictionary, to equate means:

to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing.

while to equalize (UK: equalise):

to make things or people equal.

To correspond:

to be similar or the same in some way:

Solution 2:

To equalize:

  • To make uniform.
  • make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching: let's equalize the duties among all employees in our office.


Solution 3:


Both equable and equatable are closely related to equal, though equable is derived not from equal but from the words’ shared root—the Latin aequus, meaning even or level.1 2 Equitable is distantly related to these words, but it comes directly from equity, which means (among other things) the state or quality of being just and fair.1

Your spell check might try to make you change equatable to equitable, but spell check is wrong on this one. Equatable is a perfectly good word. It can cause confusion, however, because it’s much rarer than equitable. Unless context makes equatable‘s meaning clear, consider synonyms such as similar, analogous, or comparable.