Re-Enter CAS Mode to Edit Sim Later

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+C to bring up the cheat console.
  2. Enter testingcheats true
  3. Enter cas.fulleditmode (this enables you to make full edits, like when you start a new game)
  4. Now click on a sim while holding Shift down. You should get an "Edit in CAS" option.
  5. Click that option and you're ready to edit your sim.

Note that testingcheats true gives you access to all kinds of cheats on several objects when clicked with shift down (resetting sims, giving happy moods etc.)

In the new patch testingcheats for some reason doesn't work, but I found this (sort of) alternative This doesn't work so nicely for sims you've already happily playing but you can also do the following:

1.Ensure family is out of world and go onto the household management tab. 2. Click your family and click the "edit" pencil 3. On CAS click "new sim" then "play with genetics" 4. Change relation to "sibling" then select "randomise twin" This creates an identical, new, fully editable sim, although hair/facial hair, clothes, aspirations and traits would need to be put back in

Optional 5. Delete old sim and continue to edit identical sim (hence if you are already playing with them it isn't so great)

  1. Click the "Household Management" icon in the top right of your screen (preferably whilst in a town (i.e. Willow Creek))
  2. Select your desired household you wish to change in the "Played Households" section
  3. Press the blank plumbob (diamond) in the bottom left corner of the picture that appears (once your courser is on of it, it will turn green and display the words "Mark as Unplayed")
  4. Press "Edit"
  5. Modify your Sim(s) to your liking

(You'll have to go to the "Unplayed Households" section to retreive your sim(s))