How many times can I murder the same person?

I love magic. I love burning people. Recently, I also learnt how to bring them back to life.

I'm using the Raise Undead spell to raise enemies I've killed already, not mainly to aid me in battle, but just so I can kill them again. This provides a lot of experience in spell-casting.

However, after I've killed them again, they are reduced to an ash pile that cannot be reanimated.

Is there any kind of spell or another way to kill someone more than twice?

Solution 1:

Unless you're using console commands, there is no way to kill someone more than twice, as all spells will reduce them to a pile of ash, for the exact reason that you would be able to farm too much exp by resurrecting the same person over and over again.

It's disappointing, because I really wish I could kill Anise over and over whenever I get frustrated.