How can I position my jQuery dialog to center?

I have tried following code, but it only positions dialogs left upper corner position to center, and that makes element to be aligned to right. How can I center dialog to real center which counts elements width, so that center line will cut dialog to 50% 50% halfs?

$('.selector').dialog({ position: 'center' });

The latest jQuery UI has a position component:

   my: "center",
   at: "center",
   of: window


I'm pretty sure you shouldn't need to set a position:


should center by default.

I did have a look at the article, and also checked what it says on the official jquery-ui site about positioning a dialog : and in it were discussed 2 states of: initialise and after initialise.

Code examples - (taken from jQuery UI 2009-12-03)

Initialize a dialog with the position option specified.

$('.selector').dialog({ position: 'top' });

Get or set the position option, after init.

var position = $('.selector').dialog('option', 'position');
$('.selector').dialog('option', 'position', 'top');

I think that if you were to remove the position attribute you would find it centers by itself else try the second setter option where you define 3 elements of "option" "position" and "center".

Because the dialog need a position, You need to include the js position

<script src="jquery.ui.position.js"></script>

open: function () {

    var win = $(window);

        position: 'absolute',
        left: (win.width() - $(this).parent().outerWidth()) / 2,
        top: (win.height() - $(this).parent().outerHeight()) / 2

So if anyone hits this page like I did, or for when I forget in 15 minutes, I'm using jqueryui dialog version 1.10.1 and jquery 1.9.1 with ie8 in an iframe(blah), and it needs a within specified or it doesn't work, i.e.

position: {
 my: "center bottom",
 at: "center top",
 of: $("#submitbutton"),
 within: $(".content")

Thanks to @vm370 for pointing me in the right direction.