What is the shortest way to run same code n times in Swift?

I have a code that I need to run exactly n times in Swift. What is the shortest possible syntax for that?

I am currently using the for loop but it is a lot of typing.

for i in 0..<n { /* do something */ }

Is there a shorter/nicer way for running same code n times in Swift?

Speaking of syntax, you might define your own shortest syntax:

extension Int {
    func times(_ f: () -> ()) {
        if self > 0 {
            for _ in 0..<self {
    func times(_ f: @autoclosure () -> ()) {
        if self > 0 {
            for _ in 0..<self {

var s = "a"
3.times {
s // "abbb"

var d = 3.0
5.times(d += 1.0)
d // 8.0

Sticking with a for loop - you could extend Int to conform to SequenceType to be able to write:

for i in 5 { /* Repeated five times */ }

To make Int conform to SequenceType you'll could do the following:

extension Int : SequenceType {
    public func generate() -> RangeGenerator<Int> {
        return (0..<self).generate()

You have several ways of doing that:

Using for loops:

for i in 1...n { `/*code*/` }

for i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ { `/*code*/` }

for i in n { `/*code*/` }

using while loops:

var i = 0
while (i < n) {
   ` i++`

var i = 0
repeat {
   ` /*code*/`
} while(i <= n)