How to add cardview in layout xml in AndroidX

The class has changed to:


If you want to use the old class names, you need to add android:enableJetifier=true to your and use the appcompat dependencies instead.

I think the Best Approach should be like, understanding the problem statement first.


  • Search for the library which Google Inc has changed for "AndroidX" and include in project

Solution :

Go to Artifact Mappings page of Android Developer Site and Search for your desired library.

enter image description here

Now go to AndroidX Releases page and check for the current version number

enter image description here

now go to build.gradle[] add the library you want. (ie. CardView in my case) and press
Sync Now and necessary files will be added to your project by gradle.

See the image below:

enter image description here

Now in xml file you should get CardView or something you have just imported.

NB: pictures included here are (the first two) taken from Android Developer's Page which belongs to Google Inc and could be different depending on the time you see. See this post's posting time.

For AndroidX, Add in gradle dependencies

implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'

Then in xml-layout use


You have 2 different options:

  • Material Components MaterialCardView

Just add:

implementation ''

and in your xml you can use:

  • Androidx CardView

Just add:

implementation 'androidx.cardview:cardview:1.0.0'

and in your xml you can use:


They are different:

MaterialCardView extends androidx.cardview.widget.CardView and provides all of the features of CardView and

  • add support for checking and dragging
  • uses a MaterialComponents theme by default (it uses by deafult the style Widget.MaterialComponents.CardView)
  • support the ShapeAppearanceModel
  • adds attributes for customizing the stroke