Authorize a non-admin developer in Xcode / Mac OS

I use a standard user account for my daily tasks on Mac OS. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard I am asked to do the following when a program is run from within Xcode:

"Type the name and password of a user in the 'Developer Tools' group to allow Developer Tools Access to make changes"

While I know the admin username/password, this is annoying (though only required once per login).

The developer tools access is asking for rights to "system.privilege.taskport.debug" from application gdb-i386-apple-darwin.

What is the best way around this?

Solution 1:

You need to add your macOS user name to the _developer group. See the posts in this thread for more information. The following command should do the trick:

sudo dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership <username>

Solution 2:

Finally, I was able to get rid of it using DevToolsSecurity -enable on Terminal. Thanks to @joar_at_work!

FYI: I'm on Xcode 4.3, and pressed the disable button when it launched for the first time, don't ask why, just assume my dog made me do it :)

Solution 3:

$ dseditgroup -o edit -u <adminusername> -t user -a <developerusername> _developer

Solution 4:

You should add yourself to the Developer Tools group. The general syntax for adding a user to a group in OS X is as follows:

sudo dscl . append /Groups/<group> GroupMembership <username>

I believe the name for the DevTools group is _developer.

Solution 5:

Ned Deily's solution works perfectly fine, provided your user is allowed to sudo.

If he's not, you can su to an admin account, then use his dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership $user, where $user is the username.

However, I mistakenly thought it did not because I wrongly typed in the user's name in the command and it silently fails.

Therefore, after entering this command, you should proof-check it. This will check if $user is in $group, where the variables represent respectively the user name and the group name.

dsmemberutil checkmembership -U $user -G $group

This command will either print the message user is not a member of the group or user is a member of the group.