Can I use other tool than Ubuntu Software Center to open apt links?

  • Neither gDebi, Synaptic or Lubuntu Software Center support handling the "apt://" protocol/links.
  • But a very simple graphical apt-get-type installer called AptURL does.

    • Install it with sudo apt-get install apturl
    • Set Firefox Preferences to "Always Ask" for apt
    • Click on a link, and select AptURL:

    enter image description here

    • And the window will pop open:

    enter image description here

    • Installation will take place using a lightweight gDebi-style frontend
  • The other option is to use a custom script such as green7's answer

  • But to be browser-independent, what you really need is:

    1. A .desktop file for your script/application, indicating that it handles the x-scheme-handler/apt protocol (see MimeType= lines in aptURL.desktop, ubuntu-software-center.desktop)
    2. And you can set the default by modifying the defaults.list file in /usr/share/applications/

You can change the Action in Preferences > Applications from Ubuntu Software Center to this simple shell script.

#! /bin/bash

lxterm -e "sudo apt-get install $toInstall; read"

Save this to some file, say, and make it executable by running:

chmod +x /path/to/

Now you can replace Ubuntu Software Center with

enter image description here

Now whenever you click on any apt link, it will show a terminal window asking for your password.

enter image description here

After you correctly enter your password, it will install the package.

enter image description here

Note that you can use xterm in place of lxterm.