Clementine keyboard shortcuts not working

Solution 1:

Met same problem in Ubuntu 11.10 with media buttons shortcuts. "Use Gnome's shortcut keys" didn't worked. So I just set to "Disabled" Gnome's shortcuts for those keys. This solved my problem.

Solution 2:

Disabling Gnome's shortcut keys only works, if the shortcuts you want to use are not define by the Gnome shortcut system, because clementine cannot fetch the shortcuts.

Therefore we have to deactivate the gnome shortcuts and go to gnome-control-center keyboard to the tab Shortcuts. There deactivate the shortcuts in Sound and Media which you like to control with Clementine. For instance I disable Play (or play/pause), Stop playback, Previous track and Next track. You can deactivate a shortcut by clicking on it and the if there is written New shortcut... press backspace.

Then start clementine, go to tools, preferences to the tab Global Shortcuts. Uncheck the box Use Gnome's shortcut keys. And assigne the shortcuts you want to use to control clementine.

Solution 3:

Open up System Settings, select Keyboard. Go to the Shortcuts tab, click Sound and Media in the left column. For Play (or play/pause), click on Audio Play to change the hotkey.

I changed it to Ctrl + AudioPlay for example, anything un-useful just to be out of the way.

Now (as previously stated) in Clementine, go under Tools -> Preferences -> Global Shortcuts and uncheck Use Gnome's shortcut keys. Then click on Play/Pause to set a new shortcut and press the AudioPlay key.