How can I phrase a question about a theoretical event in the past, which cannot happen anymore?

I'll try to give some specific examples, as this one is rather difficult to explain.

Example 1: Imagine you have been attending a kindergarten in Canada. Now you are 30 years old, so you won't go to kindergarten again, but I want to ask you whether you would be happier today, if you were attending a US kindergarten in the past. Would it be like this?

Would you like to have been attending a US kindergarten?

Example 2: You have been brought up by a stepfather. Now you are an adult, so nobody is, nor will be bringing you up anymore. But yet, I want to ask, whether you would be happier, if it were your real father who brought you up. Would it be like this?

Would you like to have been brought up by your real father?

Alternatives, or how are they different?

Would you have wanted to attend a US kindergarten?

Would you have wanted to be attending a US kindergarten?

Would you have wanted to be brought up by your real father?

Solution 1:

Examples 1 and 2 both correctly accomplish what you want them to. In example 1, you could be slightly more concise by rephrasing it as

Would you like to have attended a US kindergarten?

The alternatives all ask the same slightly different question. Whereas examples 1 and 2 ask the person whether he, in the present moment, thinks he would have been better off had his childhood been different, the alternatives ask the person whether he, when he was a child, would have preferred those different situations. The key difference between examples 1 and 2 on the one hand, and the alternatives on the other, is the use of the present tense like and the past tense wanted.

Solution 2:

I would phrase these using the word rather with the present perfect tense:

Would you rather have attended a US kindergarten?

Would you rather have been brought up by your real father?

You can also phrase these with like to, though the sentence becomes somewhat more convoluted:

I would like to have learned a foreign language when I was young.