New Laptop Shaders Failing [closed]

Since the error is reported to occur in ig75icd32.dll, which is an Intel graphics driver, you may have an issue similar to "Minecraft Forge 1.7.10 keeps crashing as soon as I launch the game with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005)?". Does your laptop have a dedicated 'high performance' GPU installed? If so, running Minecraft on that GPU may resolve your issues.

If that doesn't work, or you do not have an alternate GPU, you should check for new drivers for your Intel chip. It may be that newer versions will solve this issue (it looks like the problem is unsupported syntax; later versions may have support for them).

As a last-ditch hail mary, you could try increasing the stack size in your profile. Try adding -Xss2M to the JVM arguments, which should set thread stack size to 2MB(1). I'd be surprised to hear it resolved your issue, though; maybe it needs a little (or a lot) more space, but it seems more likely it's a bug.

(1) Or, you know, a value greater than this, but defaults are usually less than 1M. If doubling the stack size doesn't work, then tripling probably won't either.