How do I use the Ring of Hircine and become a werewolf?

I have the ring but I don't know how to use it. I made it so that it is not cursed, and i think that was a mistake. If possible, how do I transform using the ring?

If it isn't, how do I drink a werewolf's blood myself?

Solution 1:

I noticed an answer suggesting the ring only allows you a single additional transformation per day. This is untrue. The ring and it's power give you unlimited transformations, provided the ring is equipped. To use the power of the ring, simply use the magicka menu, scroll down to powers, and activate the power of Hircine's ring.

Solution 2:

The Ring of Hircine does not automatically make you a werewolf: it just grants you the ability to transform one additional time per day1, but only if you already have lycanthropy.

The only way to contract lycanthropy is to seek out the Companions.

Specifically, you need to complete the blood ritual found in The Silver Hand quest.

You can find the Companions hanging out at Jorrvaskr in Whiterun. The quest chain begins with the quest, Take Up Arms.

Once you have lycanthropy, you can transform by activating Beast Form under the Powers menu.

Note 1: As Raven Dreamer mentions, this can be reset by re-quipping the ring, effectively granting you unlimited transformations a day.