How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list?

I have a simple ListActivity that uses a custom ListAdapter to generate the views in the list. Normally the ListAdapter would just fill the views with TextViews, but now I want to put a button there as well.

It is my understanding and experience however that putting a focusable view in the list item prevents the firing of onListItemClick() in the ListActivity when the list item is clicked. The button still functions normally within the list item, but when something besides the button is pressed, I want onListItemClick to be triggered.

How can I make this work?

Solution 1:

as I wrote in previous comment solution is to setFocusable(false) on ImageButton.

There is even more elegant solution try to add android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" in root layout of list element. That will make clicks onListItem possible and separately u can handle Button or ImageButton clicks

Hope it helps ;)


Solution 2:

I hope I can help here. I assume that you have custom layout for listView items, and this layout consists of button and some other views - like TextView, ImageView or whatever. Now you want to have different event fired on button click and different event fired on everything else clicked.

You can achieve that without using onListItemClick() of your ListActivity.
Here is what you have to do:

You are using custom layout, so probably you are overriding getView() method from your custom adapter. The trick is to set the different listeners for your button and different for the whole view (your row). Take a look at the example:

private class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> implements OnClickListener {

    public MyAdapter(Context context, int resource, int textViewResourceId,
            List<String> objects) {
        super(context, resource, textViewResourceId, objects);

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        String text = getItem(position);
        if (null == convertView) {
            convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_row, null);
        //take the Button and set listener. It will be invoked when you click the button.
        Button btn = (Button) convertView.findViewById(;
        //set the text... not important     
        TextView tv = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(;
        //!!! and this is the most important part: you are settin listener for the whole row
        convertView.setOnClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(position));
        return convertView;

    public void onClick(View v) {
        Log.v(TAG, "Row button clicked");

Your OnItemClickListener class could be declared like here:

private class OnItemClickListener implements OnClickListener{       
    private int mPosition;
    OnItemClickListener(int position){
        mPosition = position;
    public void onClick(View arg0) {
        Log.v(TAG, "onItemClick at position" + mPosition);          

Of course you will probably add some more parameters to OnItemClickListener constructor.
And one important thing - implementation of getView shown above is pretty ugly, normally you should use ViewHolder pattern to avoid findViewById calls.. but you probably already know that.
My custom_row.xml file is RelativeLayout with Button of id "button", TextView of id "text" and ImageView of id "image" - just to make things clear.