Valid use of goto for error management in C?

This question is actually a result of an interesting discussion at a while ago. It basically boils down to the following code:

int foo(int bar)
    int return_value = 0;
    if (!do_something( bar )) {
        goto error_1;
    if (!init_stuff( bar )) {
        goto error_2;
    if (!prepare_stuff( bar )) {
        goto error_3;
    return_value = do_the_thing( bar );
    return return_value;

The usage of goto here appears to be the best way to go, resulting in the cleanest and most efficient code of all possibilities, or at least so it seems to me. Quoting Steve McConnell in Code Complete:

The goto is useful in a routine that allocates resources, performs operations on those resources, and then deallocates the resources. With a goto, you can clean up in one section of the code. The goto reduces the likelihood of your forgetting to deallocate the resources in each place you detect an error.

Another support for this approach comes from the Linux Device Drivers book, in this section.

What do you think? Is this case a valid use for goto in C? Would you prefer other methods, which produce more convoluted and/or less efficient code, but avoid goto?

Solution 1:

FWIF, I find the error handling idiom you gave in the question's example to be more readable and easier to understand than any of the alternatives given in the answers so far. While goto is a bad idea in general, it can be useful for error handling when done in a simple and uniform manner. In this situation, even though it's a goto, it's being used in well-defined and more or less structured manner.

Solution 2:

As a general rule, avoiding goto is a good idea, but the abuses that were prevalent when Dijkstra first wrote 'GOTO Considered Harmful' don't even cross most people's minds as an option these days.

What you outline is a generalizable solution to the error handling problem - it is fine with me as long as it is carefully used.

Your particular example can be simplified as follows (step 1):

int foo(int bar)
    int return_value = 0;
    if (!do_something(bar)) {
        goto error_1;
    if (!init_stuff(bar)) {
        goto error_2;
    if (prepare_stuff(bar))
        return_value = do_the_thing(bar);
    return return_value;

Continuing the process:

int foo(int bar)
    int return_value = 0;
    if (do_something(bar))
        if (init_stuff(bar))
            if (prepare_stuff(bar))
                return_value = do_the_thing(bar);
    return return_value;

This is, I believe, equivalent to the original code. This looks particularly clean since the original code was itself very clean and well organized. Often, the code fragments are not as tidy as that (though I'd accept an argument that they should be); for example, there is frequently more state to pass to the initialization (setup) routines than shown, and therefore more state to pass to the cleanup routines too.